Listing Type :
Self Catering Accommodation / Self Catering Apartments
Location :
Phone : 031 942 7486
Contact Email :
Website Address :
Opening Hours
- Monday :08:00-17:00
- Tuesday :08:00-17:00
- Wednesday :08:00-17:00
- Thursday :08:00-17:00
- Friday :08:00-17:00
- Saturday :08:00-13:00
- Sunday :Closed
PROP247 is an innovative property business specializing in Holiday letting, Residential, Industrial, Retail, and Commercial sales & letting. The driving force behind PROP247 is Group CEO, Brett van Laun. With his dynamic team of local experts, we offer an in-depth knowledge of the property market delivering the very highest levels of customer service, matching buyers to sellers and landlords to tenants. We believe in integrity, commitment to excellence, a professional attitude, and establishing long-term, trusted relationships.